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Cast of Characters

Caroline Conrad: "I'm playing basketball not modeling!"

Bradley Churchill: "Oh, no. I am not putting lipstick on! You've gone positively mental! And you can wear that pink hat yourself."

Zoe Rodriguez: "No pressure! You can do it. I know you can!"

Mrs. Conrad: "We do not sweat!"

Martha Slobberton: "Turn off that bloody noise!"

Wacky Wallace: "Never a problem."

Mr. Peeriings: "Not to worry, I am sure they were drawn with the utmost of accuracy."

Mrs. Churchill: "Look at you, almost as bad as your father!"

Mr. Churchill: You can tell more about a person from their garbage than from any other thing in their lives."

Esmeralda: "Just like a human to say things like this. Just because you've never seen one, doesn't mean we don't exist."

Polly: "Not quite an elf, too big for a gnome, we are the Namboo, welcome to our home!"

The Great Owlcon: "HooHoo!"